Holiday Season Is Fast Approaching

It's that time a year again and Christmas will be here before you know it! Holiday parties will be starting and the treats will be endless. What does your upcoming holiday season look like? Have you already started to plan or get invites? Do you have lots of exciting get togethers coming up? Party's are back on! Oh how I've missed get togethers so much. Both with family and friends. Is your family coming together? Or flying in. Is the office having a party this year? Not over zoom.

These are all questions that have varying answers depending on who we are and where we are. But most of the world has opened back up by now. It's almost like the C word doesn't even exist anymore in some parts of the world. Which is awesome! 

But if there's one thing that's similar amongst all of us. It's that the holidays usually bring more alcohol, more interesting food or meals out, more desserts, chocolate and sometimes, even more body fat.

We often see clients take on more stress over the holidays (which adds body fat not including the extra food or drinks). The extra spending, the bills, the debt. Eating out, entertaining, having the entire family over. It's a lot all at once.

Clients tend to spend less time on themselves and more time with others. They miss workouts, sleep late and enjoy themselves a little more than normal. The pressure is always on. To show up & have the best of everything. Heck, you most defiantly don't want Aunt Karen thinking anything less than the best of you so you do whatever it takes to be at the top. 

With this, we often see clients over indulging and giving into temptations, cravings and trying to fit in with everyone else.

If you are in need of support this holiday season. Already feeling the pressure to show up in ways that don't always serve you, we got you covered! Stay tuned.. we are working on something special to help you out this holiday season and want to take some of the stress out of the holidays.