
  • 5 Reasons Why Smoothies Are Great + A Pina Colada Smoothie Recipe

    Smoothies are a great on the go meal. Whether you're rushing out of the house in the morning and don't have time to eat. Need a quick snack/meal o...
  • Tip When Eating Out

    Going out with friends is apart of life. So are birthday parties and anniversaries. We get it. Life events will come up and there will never be a ...
  • Repopulating The Gut

    There are hundreds of different strains of bacteria living in our bodies. Some good, Some bad. But you need to kill off all the enemies before you...
  • Healing & Sealing The Gut

    Don't run before you can walk. Healing the gut isn't a two week thing. It's a process.By now you've changed up the foods you're eating. You remove...
  • Going After Bad Gut Microbes

    Have you finished the job? Avoiding certain foods is not a gut cleanse. Simply cutting out gluten isn't going to cure your underlying gut issues. ...
  • Importance of Food Rotation for Gut Health

    Improve your gut health naturally with a varied diet. Eating a range of foods daily is an excellent way to boost your gut microbiome naturally. Fo...
  • 8 Benefits of Good Gut Health

    Over 70 million people in North America suffer from digestive issues. Did you know that your gut is responsible for major functions of your body? ...
  • Probiotics & Gut Health

    Probiotics can aid in digestion and help maintain good gut health. Though problems such as gas, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation and...
  • Gut Health & Mental Health Connection

    Do you suffer from anxiety? If so, you are not alone! Maybe you suffer from panic attacks, hold onto irrational fears or let your limiting beliefs ...
  • Your Second Brain

    You might be eating 'right' and pooping everyday but still feel stuck in your fat loss journey. Have you ever stopped to focus on gut health? Why ...
  • Processed Foods & Gut Health

    Did you know that eating processed foods can actually be making you sicker?Emulsifiers, preservatives, food colourings and non-sugar sweetener are ...
  • Poor Gut Health & Depression

    You may not connect the two but depression is paired with your gut health.Approximately 350 million people suffer with depression.Gut bacteria is ...